Course: SWI [Knowledge Systems]
Location: Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology, Warsaw, Poland
Time: June 12-16, 2023
Room: A160

Topics to be covered in the course:

Class Schedule:

  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday:
    [15:45-17:15, 17:30-19:00] - Lectures
    [19:15-20:00] - Office hours on ZOOM for students taking SWI remotely. LINK:
  • Friday:
    15:45-17:15 [Review],
    17:30-19:30 [Exam]
  • Final Results: June 19 (Monday)

    Final Grades


Grade A(5) - (91-100 points), Grade B(4) - (81-90 points), Grade C(3) - (65-80 points).