LHA-08  Master Reading List



            Antaki, Charles. Conversation Analysis resources and online tutorial http://www-staff.lboro.ac.uk/~ssca1/sitemenu.htm

            Damico, J. et al. 2005. Language and power. In Ball, M., ed. Clinical linguistics. Blackwell.

            Norrick, Neal. 2005. Interactional remembering in conversational narrative. Journal of Pragmatics 37: 1819-1944.

            Norrick, Neal. 1995. Hunh-tags and evidentiality in conversation. J of Pragmatics 23: 687-92.

            Goodwin, Charles. 2002. Producing sense with nonsense syllables.  [Download from his webpage, http://www.sscnet.ucla.edu/clic/cgoodwin/02sense_non.pdf

Stokoe, E., and Edwards, D. (2006). Story formulations in talk-in-interaction. Narrative Inquiry, 16 (1), 59-68.

Moore, L. and B. Davis. 2002. Quilting Narrative: using a repetition technique to help elderly communicators. Geriatric Nursing 23: 262–266.


Frames and positioning

            Archakis, Argiris and Angeliki Tzanne. 2005. Narrative positioning and the construction of situated identities. Narrative Inquiry 15: 267-91.

            Bednarek, Monika. 2005. Frames revisited: the coherence-inducing function of frames. Journal of Pragmatics 37: 685-205.

            Fought, Carmen. 2006. Chapter 8 , Language and Ethnicity. Cambridge UP (Lib reserve)

            Johnstone, Barbara. 2000. The individual voice in language.  Ann Rev Anthropology 29, 405-424

            Kovecses, I., 2006. Chap 5: Frames. Language, mind & culture. Oxford UP (Lib reserve)

Pinkus, B.. 1996. Subject positions &positioning.http://www.massey.ac.nz/~alock/theory/subpos.htm

Tannen, Deborah. 1993. What's in a Frame? Surface Evidence for Underlying Expectations. In Framing in discourse, ed. D. Tannen. NY: Oxford U Press, 14-56



            Atkinson, Paul & Sara Delamont. 2006. Rescuing narrative from qualitative research. Narrative Inquiry 16: 164-72.

            Baldwin, Clive. 2005. Narrative, ethics and people with severe mental illness. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 39: 1022-29

Brockmeier, J. & Rom Harre. 1997. Narrative: problems and promises of an alternative paradigm. Research on Language & Social Interaction 30.4:263-83.

            Bamberg, Michael. 2007. Narrative analysis and identity research: a case for ‘small stories’ [Manuscript for Theory & Psychology: see http://www.clarku.edu/mbamberg to download]

            Georgakopolou, Alexandra   2002. Narrative and identity management: discourse and social identities in a tale of tomorrow. Research on Language and Social Interaction, 35(4), 427–451.

            Hymes, Dell.  [Overview and SPEAKING rubrics] http://www1.appstate.edu/~mcgowant/hymes.htm


            Labov, William. 2003.  Uncovering event structure http://www.ling.upenn.edu/~wlabov/uesn.pdf


                Kenyon, G. et al 2001. Narrative knowledge, in Kenyon, Narrative gerontology. NY: Springer.

            Taylor, Stephanie. 2006. Narrative as construction and discursive resource.  Narrative Inquiry 16: 94-102.


Intergenerational and Adult Language interactions

Giles, Howard, K. Noels, A. Williams, T-S Lim, S-H Ng, E. Ryan,  L. Somers & H. Ota. (2003). Intergenerational communication across cultures: Young people's perceptions of conversation with family elders, non-family elders, and same-age peers. Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology, 18: 1-32.

            Grundy, Emily and John Henretta. 2006. Between elderly parents and adult children: a new look at the intergenerational care provided by the ‘sandwich generation.’  Aging & Society 26, 2006, 707–722.

            Marx, Marcia. 2005. Community-service activities vs traditional activities in an intergenerational visiting program. Educational Gerontology 31: 263-71.

            Pasupathi, Monica, Trisha Weeks and Cora Rice. 2006. Reflecting on life: remembering as a major process in adult development. Journal of Language and Social Psychology 25, 1-20. (LibReserve)

            Petraki, Eleni. 2005. Disagreement and opposition in multigenerational interviews with Greek-Australian mothers & daughters. Text 25:269-303/

            Schiffrin, Deborah. 2001. Language, experience and history: ‘What happened’ in World War II. Journal of Sociolinguistics 5: 323-51.   [Note: Schiffrin 2006 is being put on library reserve]


Aging in Asia: background readings

            Leung, KK, E-C Wu, B-H Lue, L-y Tang. 2004. The use of focus groups in evaluating quality of life components among elderly Chinese people. Quality of Life Research 13: 179-90.

Ryan EB, Jin YS, Anas AP, & Luh J. (2004). Communication beliefs about youth and old age in Asia and Canada. Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology, 19: 343-360.

            Sandel, Todd. 2004.  Narrated relationships: mothers-in-law and daughters-in-law justifying conflicts in Taiwan’s Chan-chng. Research on Language and Social Interaction 37.3: 265-98

            Tom, Linda. Health and health care for Chinese-American Elders. Stanford Ethnogeriatrics http://www.stanford.edu/group/ethnoger/chinese.html  [You may want to explore the Curriculum]

            Whyte, M. 2005.  Continuity and change in urban Chinese family life. China Journal 53, 9-34


Patient-provider interaction

            Barker, Valerie and Howard Giles, 2003. Integrating the communicative predicament and enhancement of Aging Models: Older Native Americans. Health Communication, 15(3), 255–275

            Cegala, Donald. 1997. A study of doctors’ and patients’ communication during a primary care consultation: implications. Journal of Health Communication 169-95

            Davis, Boyd and Dena Shenk. 2007 in press. Stylization, aging and cultural competence: why health care in the South needs linguistics. In Language Variety in the South iii, eds. M. Picone & C. Davies. U. Alabama. (Lib reserve)

            Clarke, Peter. 2005. Information Seeking and Compliance in Planning for Critical Care: commu-nity-based health outreach to Sseniors About Advance Directives. Health Communication 18: 1-22.

            Frankel, Richard. 2001. Clinical care & conversational contingencies the role of patients’ self-diagnoses in medical encounters. Text 21: 83-111

Hamilton, Heidi. 2003. Symptoms and signs in particular: the influence of the medical concern on the shape of physician-patient talk. Communication and Medicine 1: 59-70.

            Roberts, Celia, Srikant Sarangi and Becky Moss. 2004. Presentation of self and symptoms in primary care consultations involving patients from non-English speaking backgrounds. Communication & Medicine 1,159–69.


Photonovellas and storyboarding: examples & discussions

            Bibliography, Literacy Compendium: Readers, Stories, Factbooks http://healthliteracy.worlded.org/docs/comp/Materials/readers.html

Centre for Addiction and Mental Health. 2004. Addiction. www.camh.net/About_Addiction_Mental_Health/Mental_Health_Information/depression_photonov.pdf

Emme, Michael, Anna Kirova and Carolina Cambre. 2005. Fotonovela and collaborative storytelling: researching the spaces between image, text and body. http://pcerii.metropolis.net/.../FinalReports/Kirova/Fotonovela%20and%20Collaborative%20Storytelling.pdf

IReport and examples of concept mapping: http://bilingualinstructors.com/img/photonovella.pdf 

ed.stanford.edu/IT/projects/ireport/Photonovela_files/v3_document.htm and for the software if you want it  http://jasperforge.org/sf/projects/ireport

National Heart, Lung & Blood Institute. 2001.  Mas vale prevenir/An ounce of prevention http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/prof/heart/latino/lat_foto.htm

____. Nais ng mga Pilipino ang Malusog na Puso, http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/public/heart/other/filipino_facts/filipino-pa.htm

Shulman, SB [2002?]  http://pblmm.k12.ca.us/TechHelp/Storyboarding.html

Friends 2002  http://www.worlded.org/us/health/heal/friends/index.html

            SJSU Photonovela www.sjsu.edu/depts/it/edit273/PDF_Files/Projects/09.%20Photonovela.pdf