|bles |cmar29 |p1 BD: This is a good-looking shirt you look wide awake and happy what's new? LW: Ain't got no money. BD: When did that happen? LW: Jus- jus rece- BD: You wanna walk over here an' tell me about it? LW: Well I can tell BD: Well |p2 let me see if it's coming through on this tape recorder over the music. LW: Alright. BD: Hold on. LW: You can hear it. BD: It is clear! LW: Sure is. BD: Your voice sounds (charged) |p3 here you hold this while I get me a chair would you please? LW: I (will/okay) |p4 good gracious. BD: Okay. LW: |p5 That thing's heavy. BD: Isn't it though? I (set down here)- LW: (what) makes that so heavy? parts an' BD: Yeah I think it's the parts and the batteries. |p6 So when did you lose your money? LW: When I turned it on this morning. BD: No kidding so was that when you first woke up? LW: It was around 7:30 I re- no it was earlier than that. BD: Huh so how'd you come to lose it? You just got up and saw it? LW: Jus- just got up and saw it like you said. BD: Well I'm sorry to hear that. LW: Well I'm sorry it happened (I uh) (1d)I jus- |p7 I don't know what causes it. BD: Well I don't either. |p8 So what else is new? LW: Well(laughed) BD: (laughed) Uhhh I don't know (what)- LW: I got get some (one/way) to get my back scratched, I'm tellin' you (that's)(it's) drivin' me crazy. BD: Is it just itchin'? LW: It's just itchin' at the back. BD: Where across the shoulders? LW: Yeah. BD: Hmm want me to ask if it's dry skin and get some lotion for it? LW: No I get it when I get in got to have somethin' or another to reach back there an'to scratch it. BD: Oh those little LW: Yeah- BD: what do you call 'em I have never known the name for it. LW: I don't know either. BD: It's like a paddle like you said with a little hand on- LW: yeah BD: the end of it to scratch your back yeah and I don't have one. LW: I don't have one of them either not one of the newest ones. BD: No LW: But you don't go far with just one. BD: Why you think they'll lose it? LW: I hope not I'll lose my mind if I lose that BD: (laughed) That's the truth. LW: |p9 I can't understand how that's so heavy. BD: My hunch is it's that it's got heavy batteries in it because the tape's not heavy it's down in here here. LW: Yeah I I felt that now. I put double hands under that when I when she first came up here I put double hands under there so that I wouldn't drop it when I opened it up. BD: Well I do think it's heavy. (Well) in the back it has a place for the batteries I think they they must be the big ones. LW: Must be. BD: Should we open it an' find out? LW: Yeah, I'd like to aa- BD: Alright I'm gonna turn this off and open it up. BD: |p10 Your kids look after these? LW: They really look after 'em they . BD: |p11 Now tell me about your kids. LW: Pardon? BD: Tell me about your kids. LW: Well they they just know how to operate 'em. BD: |p12 Well we did look we turned it off and we looked and it does this one takes the heavy C batteries which is why it's heavy |p13 but you say your kids had tape recorders. LW: Mm-hmm. BD: Hmm did you have boys or girls? LW: Boys. BD: Ah nice. LW: Yeah. BD: How ma- LW: (Yeah) they go for it. BD: Boys always do like equipment like this you're right they would do the tape recorders. Did you like television? LW: Yeah I I live for television it seem like. BD: Got a favorite show? LW: I don't (really got) a favorite or not. I enjoy watching it. BD: Yeah. LW: If they don't stop every two seconds to for a commercial. BD: Oh I know it (laughed) Aaaahh. LW: Well you got me on here might as well try to stay on. BD: That's my thinking. |p14 (Anyhow-) LW: (coughed) BD: Let's see. LW: |p15 My boys (are went right) much with commercials. BD: Yeah tell me about that. LW: I I don't know that much about it to tell you. BD: Yeah. LW: (Think you) could see you and tell you, (but)you you know more about it. BD: Tell me about your boys. LW: Well I got three boys. BD: Aaahh are they close in age? LW: Yeah they they getting' pretty close yeah they drivin' their own car set out their own tomato plants (laughed) an' they jus they just go crazy over 'em an' their (daddy) kinda pushes them. BD: Yeah yeah well- LW: |p16 an' I don't care who knows it. BD: Yeah but sometimes daddys have to do that. LW: Yeah you have to do it to get 'em started at least. RE |p17 They (used to keep a little) helper there with 'em bigger brother and some commercials here and there, an- and I don't blame 'em (if/they) they keep on airin' with the commercials let 'em keep on airin' 'em. BD: Well that's right that's right. |p18 Three boys. What'd you name 'em, do you remember? LW: Pardon me? BD: What did you name your boys, do you remember? LW: Oh Lord I don't even remember that. BD: No- LW: I couldn't tell you now my wife if she's here she could tell you. BD: Yeah well should I ask her? LW: Yeah well she's gonna be disappointed (even) if I don't know it I believe I'd rather you just leave it (alone). BD: You know I think you're right I think I will not touch it (laughed) I think I will keep my mouth shut mmm |p19 This music's pretty. LW: |p20 (She jus-) she just quit her job and started workin' with the kids. She just stayed with 'em, she's still with 'em but it don't amount to much. BD: Well you'd said they'd gotten big. LW: Yeah (uh-huh.) BD: So she quit her job that shows it- to be with the children that's a good spirit that's a good spirit. LW: Well . BD: You don't think so |p21 this is interesting isn't it? LW: It sure is. BD: What amuses me 'cause we're lookin' at the tape recorder here is watching how the light flashes with the noise of our voices say somethin' make it flash. LW: Say somethin' what? BD: See when you did say somethin' it flashed. LW: |p22 Yeah I I like it we're we're a pretty close knit family. BD: Yuh. LW: I like that part about it. RE An' I just uh thankful my wife worked so close with us. BD: Yes absolutely A close knit family makes you happy for a long time. LW: (Well yeah) that sounds good. BD: Yep I think so. |p23 Well now what I'm gonna do is take off and go see a couple of other people but I wanted to come say hello to you and see how you were doin'. LW: To who? BD: To you (laughed). LW: Ah that's nice of ya. BD: |p24 I will be back next week and we can talk again then? LW: Now I can't give you no dates or nothin' like that I don't know her schedule. BD: Well I thought I would call ahead before I came. LW: (Au-) that sounds I like that part about it. BD: Yeah 'cause none of us can be sure of a schedule really. LW: Yeah right. BD: Okay I'll check in later and I'll say goodbye. LW: Alright. BD: Okay bye- LW: goodbye to you- BD: bye. N' kay.