Research Projects

PANACEA: Personalized AutoNomous Agents Countering Social Engineering Attacks page

Detail:We design, develop, and evaluate Personalized AutoNomous Agents Countering Social Engineering Attacks (PANACEA) to protect online users against current and future forms of social engineering. PANACEA serves as an intermediary between attackers (human, automated, hybrid, coordinated) and the potential victim(s) they target. Depending upon the nature and source of communication, PANACEA either handles it autonomously, or allows the user to proceed with an exchange while monitoring the conversation and intervening as needed by (1) inserting or modifying users' messages, (2) instructing the user how best to respond, while at the same time (3) initiating an investigation. Throughout all exchanges, PANACEA collects threat intelligence and builds models of adversaries, victims, infrastructure, capabilities, language, and cultural norms, improving attack detection accuracy and mitigation, and enhancing information elicitation for attack attribution.

Publications from this project

Under preparation

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