Updated Problem Statement

Currently, I am a student who is in Sophomore Design (MEGR 2156) attending the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. In this class, we have a semester-long assignment to design a product that is reflects something we are passionate about and would like to pursue in the future. I am passionate about pursuing a career that focuses on biomedical engineering. This is because I enjoy helping through the usage of math and science. For my sophomore design project, I decided that I would want to design a pill bottle that will help the customers who decide to purchase this item to remember to take their medicine. While having the ability to help patients remember to take their medicine I would like the item to still be portable so the patient can carry it anywhere. My goal is to not exceed twice the size of a normal pill. With these factors, I would still like to design a product that is affordable as well.

Updated assumptions about the problem

My assumptions about this assignment were that I would create three bottle designs that would have similar components as they all serve the same purpose. Believing that even though they do the same function in different ways they would have similar components and around the same number as well. This was soon proven wrong as some designs are more complex than others. I also assumed that I would keep the same designs that I had before. But while doing this assignment I realized that I could modify designs to make them more appealing and useful to the customers. Another assumption is that I physician or pharmacist would distribute a max of 90 capsules.

Updated Gantt Chart

Gantt Chart

My Gantt chart was changed because the midterm that was in sophomore design (MEGR 2156) on March 13, 2018. Due to this, I had to push the components to finish assignment four back and complete them in one week instead of what I originally planned. Although the schedule changed for assignment four changed, I plan to continue the schedule as planned.

Multiple Solutions

Solution #1

This is a pill bottle that has 8 different compartments that swivel out to access the pills in the compartments. The customer can organize their medicine based on the medication they are supposed to have that day. It is recommended that the patient organizes their medicine weekly. The general compartment is what would be prescript by the doctor. For example, if the pharmacist prescripts 90 capsules it would be in the general compartment.

Solution 1


FRDPARRC Chart for solution 1

Solution 1 "PILL AS 1.zip"


For the first solution, the tradeoffs are that I am giving up the portability for functionality as I am adding mass in order to have more room to organize pills that the customer might gain.

Solution #2

This bottle is designed to notify the patient at the exact moment they are required to take medicine with the use of an alarm. The buttons that are located on the lid are used to set time, turn off or change alarms as the consumer needs

Solution 2

The circuit that is displayed is used to powered the clock and the alarm that will be in the lid of the pill bottle.

Solution 2


FRDPARRC Chart for solution 2

Solution 1 "PILL AS2.zip"


For the second solution, I am giving up the cost for funcationality. I am also limiting my customers by making a product that is based on sound. As customers who are deaf or cannot hear well will not benefit from this product. Also, I adding extra mass that will add more friction causing more wear on the container with time. The extra mass is due to the added circuit and material used for the clock and alarm in the lid of the bottle.

Solution #3

This product is used to notify the user of when they need to take their medication via an LED light. The notification times can be changed via a free app that is available on all app stores.

Solution 3


The LED notification light is located in the bracelet that can be removed from the bottle. There would be a circuit, wireless transmitter and LED light bulbs in the bracelet.

Solution 1

FRDPARRC Chart for solution 3

Solution 1

Decision Matrix

5-Excellent 4-Very Good 3-Good 2-Fair 1-Poor

The cost rating is based on how expensive it would be for the customer to buy compared to the other designs. The more expensive the items the lower the rating it would receive. Portability rating is based on how easy it is to transport and carry the device. The smaller dimensions the device can have while still serving its purpose the higher the rating. Durability rating is based on the ability to withstand impact. The stronger the device the higher the rating. Power rating is based on the ability to consume power via a person. The less power it takes to open via person the higher the score. Safety rating is based on the ability to the withstand hazards such as small parts falling off, children opening the bottle or shocking from circuits. The safer the object the higher the rating. Accessibility rating is based on the ability to work as plan and lack problems that hinder usage. For example, how easy it is to access pills and remind the customer. The more the product works without annoying the problems occurring the higher the rating. Manufacturing rating is based on how easy it would be to manufacture the product. The lower the price to manufacture the higher the rating.

DM "PILL!.zip"


For the final solution, my tradeoffs are that I am offering a modern and simple design for price, weight, and functionality of the product. In the product, I am the trading functionality of the bracelet for the quality of the material of the bottle and its durability. Ultimately I am taking money away from the design of the body in order to build a high-quality bracelet.

Degrees of Freedom and Static Equilibrium Equations

These are the static equilibrium and degree equations for each solution and the forces working on them in free body diagrams. Each solution has one degree of freedom.

Lesson Learned

During assignment three for sophomore design, I learned that aking a decision matrix is more time consuming than I initially thought. I also heard that a lot of equations can be put into my design even though it is simply a pill bottle. I also learned which design I should choose based on the decision matrix. Which most likely is the design that has the Bluetooth wireless connection.


Eric Adkins