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Instructor: Gábor Hetyei
Office: Fretwell 335F, Phone: 687-2543, E-mail:
Office hours:  MWF 9:30-10:30 am or by appointment.
Text: College Algebra, sixth Ed., by Michael Sullivan.
Topics and Sections: See the attached tentative schedule.
Attendance: Required. For each class missed the student will get a 0.5 % reduction of his/her total score (but not to exceed 10%). Students will be fully responsible for materials missed from class due to absence.
Quizzes and Bonus Problems: A short quiz will be given on each Monday, except on those when a Test is scheduled. Bonus problems will be posted online using Webwork. Instructions how to use Webwork will be posted on the homepage of the class.
Tests: Test I: Monday February 10  Test II: Friday March 7  Test III: Wednesday April 16
Tests will be held in class.
Common Final: Saturday May 3 2003, 11:30am - 2:30pm. The place of the final exam will be given later by the department.
The Departmental Final Exam is cumulative. Missing the Final Exam will result in an automatic F Grade regardless of your performance on other exams.
No makeups: There will be NO make-up quizzes or tests. The lowest two quiz scores will be dropped. If a student’s final exam score is higher than one of the other test scores, the final exam score will be used to replace the lowest test score. This, however, is not a license for you to miss an exam or a quiz and is provided only as a back up against any emergency. In case you miss a test for some emergency you need to provide documentation (for example, a Doctor’s certificate in case you were very sick).
Evaluation: Grades will be based on: Attendance 10%, Quiz 15%, each Test 15%, Common Final 30%.
Tentative grading schedule: 90 - 100 % A, 80 - 89% B, 70 – 79% C, 60 – 69 % D, 0 – 59% F
Class meeting: MWF 11:00 -11:50 am in Fret 100.
Rules of the Classroom: Due to the large class size, we have to implement strict rules in the classroom to ensure that students' right of learning is protected. Please observe the following:
  • No conversations during class. People who talk loudly or disturb the class in any other manner will be asked to leave the classroom. Repeated offenders will be reported to university officials.
  • Students without proper registration are not allowed to attend the class. The instructor has the right to check students ID's during classes and exams.
  • Students are not allowed to leave the classroom in the middle of the class, except for going to the bathroom, or emergencies. If you know that you have to leave the class early with a valid reason, let the instructor know before class starts.