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How to use Webwork?
(MATH 1120-008, Fall 2018)
  1. We will access Webwork through the Canvas page of our class. Log in using your 49er Express ID and password.
  2. Click on the "Assignments" and then click on the link of the current Webwork assignment. A link that looks like "WWNN" (where NN is a number, like 01) leads to a webwork assignment.
  3. After that, you may either decide to get a hard copy of the entire problem set by clicking on the link "Download a hardcopy of this problem set" OR you may begin doing the problem set by clicking on the name of the problem. The hard copy is useful if you want to work on it without sitting at the screen, but only answers submitted online before the due date will be graded.
  4. Alert me if you have access problems, such that I may help you and allocate more time. I will not allow more time if you contact me with an access problem on the due date. Plan on completing your homework one day before the due date.
  5. "Access problems" are defined as:
    1. The Webwork server is unavailable.
    2. Canvas is down.
    In such an event I will extend everybody's deadline. It is not an excuse if:
    1. Your computer crashes.
    2. You have problems with your Internet Service Provider (ISP).
    To do your Webwork assignments you don't need to own a computer, nor to have an ISP. There are public access computers on campus.
  6. You may find information on the mathematical symbols available on Webwork and about how to enter your answers at