Post-doc Position on Immersive Analytics/XR/Gaming

- Contact status: 1 year, can be extended
- Salary: $50,000 to $55,000 a year
- Starting date: ~ December 1th, 2019
- Enquiries:
- Job post:

The Gaming and Mixed Reality group at the Department of Computer Science, University of North Carolina at Charlotte (UNCC) invites applications for a post-doctoral research position. The research direction is on innovative visualization and interaction techniques related to immersive analytics, XR, and/or game design.

Applicants should have completed a PhD (or equivalent) in a relevant field of study (e.g., Computer Science, Computer Engineering). Desirable qualifications include, but are not limited to, a background in Unity3D/Unreal/DirectX game development, visualization, VR, AR, MR, or 3D interaction systems.

Applications must include a research statement, CV, transcripts, and the contact information of two referees. Review of applications will begin in October 2019 and will continue until the position is filled. Please send the full digital application in one PDF file to