ETEE 1223 Homework 9A Hints

Here are a couple of hints, and some of the answers so you
can check your work:

18-2: a. (2-j6) + (-12+j36) + (0.15811 ang 168.46)
      b. (4.433 ang 134.27) + (1.032 ang -49.38)
The rest of these are taken from the solutions manual and I
didn't check them, so they are not guaranteed correct:

18-13 a: Vth = 2.131 ang 32.196

18-14 a:  Done by superposition. 
          Vth = (74.965 ang 51.34) + (2.449 ang 21.337) = 77.139 ang 50.412.

18-25:  This one has a dependent source.  I suggest getting Voc
        using either node voltage or mesh current.  
        Isc is easy to get.
        ans: Voc = 1.62 angle 0