Language 2


Have your subject explain the meaning of some of the following expressions.  Use at least 8 from each list.  Try to get an idea of how the child is responding and what he/she really understands regarding language development.


Idioms                                                              Figurative Expressions                                                             

Read between the lines                                     Richard has the heart of a lion

Kick the bucket                                                She has a heart of gold

In one ear and out the other                              He wears his heart on his sleeve

Raining cats and dogs                                       You should get your ducks in a row

Get up on the wrong side of the bed                  A rolling stone gathers no moss

Mad as a wet hen                                             She is wearing a very loud dress

End of my rope                                                 Will has a chip on his shoulder

In hot water                                                      She has eyes in the back of her head

Under the weather                                            Money burns a hole in his pocket

Fly off the handle                                              Who licked the red off your candy

Right as rain                                                      You made your bed, now lie in it

Save for a rainy day                                          This is a piece of cake

Up the creek without a paddle                          I’m going to give you a piece of my mind          

Down in the dumps

In the dog house

Hold your horses