Teaching Mathematics

DMI Scoring Rubric

ELED 5201



Unacceptable (1)

Acceptable (2)

Target (4)

Pre-Administration of DMI

Informal Interview

Description is not included.

Description is included, but lacks detailed essential information.

Includes a detailed description of the child, including grade level, experiences with mathematics and dispositions toward learning mathematics.


Task Response .

Detailed description  is weak or is not included.

Includes a description of the child’s response. However, it is not a detailed description.

Includes a detailed description of child’s response. in comparison to the

developmentally appropriate response.

Placement Range Justification

Errors (Three or more) are made in placement range.

Errors (Two or less) are made in placement range.

Use task responses in comparison to the developmentally appropriate response to correctly identify a placement range.


Appropriate Instructional Techniques and Strategies

Data is not used to make sound instructional decisions. Appropriate strategies and techniques are not included, and justifications are not made.

Reflections indicate

An understanding of using data to make instructional decisions. Specific strategies and techniques are included, but lack appropriate justifications.

Thoughtful reflections indicate

an understanding of using data from the DMI to make sound instructional decisions. Probable success using specific teaching strategies and techniques are justified.

Conventions of Writing and DMI Scoring Sheet



Score Sheet


Project does not include DMI Scoring Sheet, and contains many errors (Three or more) in mechanics (grammar, sentence structure, punctuation).

Project includes DMI Scoring Sheet, but contains errors (Two or less) in mechanics

(grammar, sentence structure, punctuation).

Project includes DMI Scoring Sheet, and contains no errors in mechanics (grammar, sentence structure, punctuation).