Courses Taught by Mirsad Hadzikadic

Academic Honesty

No man is justified in doing evil on the ground of expedience.
                                                                   Theodore Roosevelt

All students are expected to adhere to the UNCC Code of Student Academic Integrity as specified in the current Catalog.

Among other things, this code forbids cheating, fabrication or falsification of information, multiple submission of academic work, plagiarism, abuse of academic materials, and complicity in academic dishonesty.

Group study is not prohibited but, unless specifically authorized, students are expected to submit their own unique work.  If two students collaborate on a homework problem, come to a solution, print that solution twice, and each student turns that solution in they have NOT submitted their own work.  This is a violation of the Code and will be treated as such.

Dishonesty of any type will result in, at a minimum, failing this course.  The maximum punishment for academic dishonesty is expulsion from the University.  Be forewarned: if I believe I can prove that you are or have been cheating, I will press for the maximum penalty.

Last updated Wednesday, August 19, 2009