Courses Taught by Mirsad Hadzikadic

Attendance & Preparation

If I have ever made any valuable discoveries, it has been
owing more to patient attention, than to any other talent.
                                                                   Isaac Newton

You are expected to attend all lectures (and labs, if any).  I may take attendance and use that information in determining your course grade.  Remember, class participation is an element of the course grade (see Grade Weights).  "Participating" implies some activity on your part - being physically present (even if you are awake) does not constitute participation.


As a general rule, I will permit two unexcused absences in classes that meet twice a week and one unexcused absence in classes that meet once a week.  After that I reserve the right to deduct points from your final course grade for each missed class.

From the Class Schedule you should be aware of the material we will be covering in class each day.  I expect that you will have read the material before you get to class and be prepared to ask questions about anything you do not understand or would like clarified.


With a valid excuse, tests missed or homework assignments not turned in on time will be made up at my convenience but usually no later than one week.  Without a valid excuse, make-up tests or late homework will not be permitted.  Be prepared to document your excuse.

Last updated Thursday, August 21, 2008