gvGenerator.jar converts text files that convey transmissions from one entity to another with the following notation: "entity1 --> entity2" white space character is a single space into a .gv formatted file that can be read and viewed by Graphviz. To run the program from osx and windows, simply double click on gvGenerator.jar. With the jre properly installed and configured this should bring up a file selection window styled relative to the Operating System. Navigate through this selection window and select the file that you would like to be converted. The .txt file will be loaded into the program to be scored as done in the centralitywebapplication and rewritten into file of the .gv extension within the same directory as the gvGenerator.jar. The output will have the same prefix as the loaded .txt file, only ending in .gv as apposed to .txt. example: merstest.txt -> merstest.gv. At this point assuming that Graphviz is properly installed on the current machine, double clicking on the .gv file should automatically open Graphviz where you can view the newly scored visualization. color-hex.com can be used for colors