Cloud Computing for Data Analysis Spark Apriori Algorithm Execution Steps using AWS EMR Cluster: 1. Download the .zip file from NOTE: This .zip file is the project file of the Association Rules 2. Extract the .zip file 3. This .zip file contains the source code, the executable 'SparkAssociationRules.jar' file and data files inside the 'Data' folder 4. Create a cluster with Hadoop and Spark in AWS and start the cluster. Once the cluster is running, log-in to the master node using Putty(Windows) or SSH(MAC or Linux) 5. Create a data bucket in AWS S3. Upload CarData.txt and SparkAssociationRules.jar files to S3 6. From the master node download SparkAssociationRules.jar using the command: aws s3 cp s3://BUCKET_NAME/SparkAssociationRules.jar . 7. Run the program using the command: spark-submit --class org.Apriori.Driver ./SparkAssociationRules.jar s3://BUCKET_NAME/CarData.txt s3://BUCKET_NAME/SparkAssociationRulesOutput 8. Download the output folder(SparkSQLOutput) from S3 to your local machine 9. Upload the downloaded folder along with all commands, results and errors if any from the terminal window to Canvas