ITCS 3146 Final Exam - Access Exam on Canvas 1 attempt allowed, exam lasts 3 hours - open book / open notes -> requires close familiarity with the text - exam consists of 21 multiple choise questions, and is based on the lectures since Exam II - we have 6 lectures, there are either 3 or 4 questions from each lecture - the questions are in the order of the lectures i.e.: Chapter 6.1 - 6.3 Deadlocks Resources, Introduction - 3 or 4 questions Chapter 6.4 - 6.7 Detection, Avoidance, Prevention, Other Issues - 3 or 4 questions Chapter 7.1 - 7.10 Virtualization History, Requirements, Hypervisors - 3 or 4 questions Chapter 7.11 - 7.13 Clouds, Case Study: VMWare - 3 or 4 questions Chapter 9.1 - 9.6 Environment, ControlledAccess, Cryptography, Authentication- 3 or 4 questions Chapter 9.7 - 9.10 ExploitingSoftware, InsiderAttacks, Malware, Defences - 3 or 4 questions